Our fully responsive support provides focus for three key groups:

Individuals and families

  • We take time to discover the driving force behind your philanthropic goals and gain an understanding of the core issues that matter to you.
  • We work with you to create your philanthropy plan (what type of engagement, where, for which causes?).
  • We identify the most appropriate philanthropic giving structure (e.g. donation, Charitable Trust or Foundation, an appropriate partner?) and establish criteria for suitable trustees and advisers.
  • We identify projects and partnerships that are in-line with your philanthropy plan.
  • We develop a sound monitoring and evaluation framework so that we can provide regular follow-ups on your activties.


Grant making Trusts and Foundations

  • We review your mission and goals ensuring they remain true to the original vision and are relevant in today’s environment. We develop a strategy to maximise the impact of your mission and goals.
  • We identify projects that further your philanthropic vision.
  • We develop strategic and long-term projects and partnerships.
  • We assess your social impact through a sound monitoring and evaluation framework.
  • We support you in coordinating different interests and needs of family members, while staying true to shared family values.


Operational charities

The world in which we live is constantly changing and all charities should regularly take steps to ensure that their strategy and governance remains fit for purpose as the fields in which they operate evolve.

  • We help you review your mission and strategy.
  • We ensure that your governance remains robust.
  • We assist with Trustee training.
  • We develop trustee terms of reference, skills matrixes, trustee evaluation methods and risk registers.
  • We build diverse boards with the appropriate skills to run the organisation.